Landscapes look more attractive when added with healthy-looking lawn. If you can’t wait to see your yard clean and green, however, natural grass isn’t the best option. It is even more impractical to grow grass if you live in desert areas like Phoenix. Consider installing artificial turf instead. From being a popular covering for football fields and golf courses, artificial turf has become a favorite addition to residential landscapes.


Artificial turfs vary in quality and durability because they are made from several types of plastic, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon. Each type of material has its fair share of benefits. When installed on the ground, it usually consists of several layers—drainage stone (permeable layer), leveling layer, energy pad, backing layer, infill, and turf fiber. Each layer has to be carefully mounted to allow for effective drainage and ensure that the turf will endure all forms of pressure.

Modern artificial turfs are made with UV-resistant fibers, which help keep the turf green throughout the year despite constant exposure to sunlight. The manufacturing process has also improved over the years, allowing manufacturers to produce artificial grass that looks real. Some turfs even have sand or granules raked into the piles to make them feel natural underfoot.


Installing artificial turf instead of planting natural grass can benefit you in many ways. Because artificial turf doesn’t require daily watering, it can help you save up to 55 gallons of water per square foot of the turf per year. It also eliminates the need for constant mowing, which eventually takes about 2.8 hours spent on lawn maintenance from your weekly schedule.

Artificial grass can look as good as new for a long time. Unlike natural grass, it won’t have any dead spot that needs constant sodding. You also don’t have to keep your pets or kids off the grass as it won’t yield to pressure so quickly. Because it’s synthetic, you can choose to customize its color and style to fit your lifestyle or the overall motif of your home or business.


Artificial turf installation is quite an expensive project even if it’s less costly than planting and maintaining real grass. This is why it’s only right that you consider certain crucial factors when choosing the type of turf for your yard. The quality of the materials, of course, should be your top consideration. The turf has to meet all environmental guidelines, is made of soft, natural-looking blades, and pet-friendly.

Pay attention to the underlying structure of the turf, not just the visible one. The infill, which is the layer that holds the fiber together, should be durable enough to withstand foot traffic. The most common types of infill used for artificial turfs are crumb rubber, silica granules, and sand. Most professional artificial turf companies recommend silica granules because they are more durable and have antimicrobial coating, which prevents bacteria caused by pet droppings and urine from spreading.


No matter how well installed your artificial turf is, you still need to maintain it if you want it to last for many years. Regular brushing and cleaning can help remove materials that can significantly damage the surface of your turf. Organic materials like leaves and dead insects can leave stains that are hard to remove as they rot so you need to deal with them right away.

Also, there are several things that you need to avoid doing on your turf to keep it in top shape. Don’t put heavy objects like large furniture or inflatable swimming pool on top of it. Keep items that produce fire away from the turf, as ember and ashes may fall onto it and damage the fiber.

If you are planning to install artificial turf soon, make sure to consider these ideas. Go to a reputable artificial turf installation company and choose the kind of turf that suits your needs. Be careful when choosing though because some options may look the same but may not come with the same features.


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Artificial Turf,

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